I had the privilege of spending four months in Yogyakarta as an intern at PolGov, UGM, and it was an amazing cultural and academic experience. The internship provided experiences that have enriched me on both a professional and personal level. One of the highlights of my internship was participating in two field trips. The first field trip was to Bojonegoro in East Java where I got to experience artisanal oil mining and the effects on the local communities firsthand, an experience that made a lasting impression on me.

The second field trip was to Pontianak in West Kalimantan, where I learned about the complexities of palm oil production and social forestry. Both trips were enriching experiences offering new insights and perspectives and demonstrating who the theory in practice. My time in Indonesia went beyond academic and professional learning, offering me the invaluable opportunity to immerse myself in the rich local culture and language. The kindness, warmth, and openness of the Indonesian people made the experience truly unforgettable, and for that, I am deeply grateful.